Caring For your Upholstery Cleaning in Dayton, OH

Caring For your Upholstery Cleaning in Dayton, OH


Upholstery cleaning is, well, not known in most parts for being the most enjoyable activity on the planet. But you can take care of your Upholstery Cleaning in Dayton, OH without feeling like that's all you're doing with your life. Here's how: rather than making it a chore on its own, integrate it into your weekly cleaning routine as an element to be dealt with while keeping the following in mind:  Upholstery cleaning should only be attended to about once a week, unless you have children. If you do, only you truly knows how often you need to pass that vacuum cleaner over your upholstery. Basically, you need to pass the vacuum cleaner as often as needed in order to remove particles, dust and grit, the accumulation of which puts your upholstery at risk of scratching and premature aging through abrasion.


 Us a vacuum cleaner. If you must use a brush, use one with soft bristles. The harsh bristles can cause abrasion, which is what we're trying to avoid here. Think of your teeth - harsh bristles or soft bristles? Right - soft bristles don't run the risk of hurting your enamel and gums the way harsh or firm bristles do. Think of your couch as your teeth - be thorough in your Upholstery Cleaning in Dayton, OH, but be gentle.


 If you can get in the habit of flipping the cushions after you vacuum, you will ensure that both surfaces of the cushion get the same amount of wear and tear over time. It's also fun to sit down on a cushion right after you've flipped it. We don't know why that is - we just know it's true. It's like the cushion magically seems fluffier all of a sudden. All we know is that it's worth the effort :) In short, Upholstery Cleaning in Dayton, OH should involve a vacuum with a soft brush.